Szilard Quates نوع شخصية MBTI

Szilard Quates نوع شخصية MBTI image


"ما نوع الشخصية Szilard Quates؟ Szilard Quates هو نوع ENTJ في mbti ، 8w7 - sx/sp - في enneagram ، RCOEI في Big 5 ، ILI في Socionics."

He very evil omg. Stereotypical evil ENTJ. I suppose developed Se? Since he wants to experience everything?

سيرة شخصية

Szilard Quates (セラード・クェーツ Serādo Kuētsu) is the main antagonist of The Rolling Bootlegs and one of the alchemists who obtained complete immortality aboard the Advena Avis in 1711. He devours thirteen of his fellow alchemists aboard the ship and five more over the course of the next two hundred years, during which time he quests to recreate the Grand Panacea. During his years as a mortal alchemist, Szilard's ego and ambitions earn him the fear of many a Dormentaire knight; according to rumor, anyone who dares cross a Dormentaire alchemist will find themselves slated to become a guinea pig. Great as his ego may be, he is not entirely above praising an invention or construction worthy of his admiration—a sign that his rapacious appetite for knowledge may supersede even his own egomania. In this sense he can be more open-minded than some of his peers. In becoming immortal, Szilard becomes greed incarnate—obsessively lusting for perfect knowledge and absolute loyalty. #CompleteMonster

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