Mary Brown نوع شخصية MBTI


"ما نوع الشخصية Mary Brown؟ Mary Brown هو نوع ENFP في mbti ، 7w6 - sx/so - 729 في enneagram ، SCUAI في Big 5 ، IEE في Socionics."

This is how Paddington first describes her: "Mrs. Brown illustrates adventure stories. Her latest is set in the old tunnels and sewers under London. She says she's stuck at the moment because she can't imagine what her hero looks like, but has no trouble coming up with nicknames for her daughter Judy like 'Twinkle' and 'Coconut'' and...[Sweety Pops]" This is followed immediately by Mary asking Judy if she wants to accompany her to the sewers the next night and extends the invitation to Judy's love interest, Tony. Judy responds with "why would I want to bring anyone down to the toilet?" Mary encouragingly says "Come on, darling, it's not like that. It's a subterranean labyrinth that can take you anywhere in the city." Her ability to see the good in everything and everyone (ie. Paddington), and even thinking that going down to the sewers could be an adventure and that it could help her with her story is such obvious Ne dom thinking. I love her 😊

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