Kawashima Ami نوع شخصية MBTI

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"ما نوع الشخصية Kawashima Ami؟ Kawashima Ami هو نوع ENFJ في mbti ، 3w4 - so/sx - 358 في enneagram ، SCOEN في Big 5 ، EIE في Socionics."

𝐔𝐧𝐩𝐨𝐩𝐮𝐥𝐚𝐫 𝐎𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐨𝐧: Ami is THE most interesting character in Toradora & deserved a better ending regardless of how much you may personally hate her. Oh and she's best girl - argue with your mother cause you aren't changing my mind lol. Watching how she uses her FeNi throughout the series is actually a marvel. Fe Doms catch a lot of sh-t for being "manipulative" (*le sigh*) & Ami definitely manipulates people's emotional states several times throughout the series, but I think she is a good example of how sometimes that can be used for good i.e. to help others when they don't even realize that's whats happening or that they need help yet (which is a very xxFJ thing btw). She's also one of, if not THE, most mature character in the show, which is refreshing in a highschool setting & is a common trait of ExxJs that PDB refuses to admit lol. Anyway her approach to situations isn't direct or blunt enough to be Te-Se, it's definitely the soft cunning of Fe. Te Doms have 8th slot Fe so even as 3s they wouldn't *default* to using a "manipulate everyone into loving me & thinking I'm perfect" or "wolf in sheep's clothing" social strategy; those things are all about affecting the way the group sees you or impacting the social environment (Fe), not accomplishing tasks efficiently or implementing systems that are universally applicable (Te), and most importantly they are NOT nearly efficient enough for Te-Se especially not an ENTJ 3 core with an 8 in their tritype lmao. Everyone wants to scream about how "manipulative" we are until it's time to type someone smart ENFJ then it's "wait no that's illegal" 🤡

سيرة شخصية

Ami Kawashima (川島 亜美 Kawashima Ami) is one of the series' heroines. She has a deep understanding of the relationship situation going on between Minori Kushieda, Ryuuji Takasu, Taiga Aisaka and Ami herself. Ami always wants people to see her as a simple, beautiful, and sweet girl where one of whom is always kind and generous towards others, although this is just a scam. In fact, she is an arrogant girl who will not hesitate to use abusive language towards others and she even tries to make amends if someone sees her true personality, because she is uncertain about her dual personality. Ami is also seen as very wise indeed as she has seen through the romantic attraction of Taiga Aisaka, Ryuuji Takasu and Minori Kushieda to each other. Ami is shown dropping hints and tips on them, trying to indirectly tell them about their situation, without hurting them. #EriKitamura

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