Saladin نوع شخصية MBTI


"ما نوع الشخصية Saladin؟ Saladin هو نوع INTJ في mbti ، 1w9 - sp/so - 146 في enneagram ، RCUAI في Big 5 ، LSI في Socionics."

Saladin was an honorable Muslim warrior, and even his enemies respected him more than his allies. He was a strong military planner and a brave leader, and he was ready to do everything in his power to protect the Islamic nation. Saladin controlled his personal emotions and whims Since he was a child, his first concern was liberating Jerusalem from the hands of the Crusaders While children his age were playing and having fun, Saladin was training and learning until he became a Muslim leader who liberated Al-Aqsa Mosque. Even when he decided to have a little fun with his friends in the neighborhood, His father scolded him and slapped him on the face, saying: “I raised you to conquer Jerusalem, not to play!”Saladin looked at his father with a look that was not the look of a child. His father said to him, “Why are you looking at me with these looks?” Why don't you cry? I slapped you hard in the face. Saladin said: “Do you want me to cry from a slap like this when I am the one who will liberate Jerusalem?”. Since then, Saladin made a vow to himself not to laugh or cry until he fulfilled his promise... to liberate Jerusalem! ...i think he is Intj 5w6 or 1w9

سيرة شخصية

أفلام أحرف مشابهة لـ Saladin
