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Ken Yokoyama “Crazy Ken” نوع شخصية MBTI

Ken Yokoyama “Crazy Ken” نوع شخصية MBTI image


"ما نوع الشخصية Ken Yokoyama “Crazy Ken”؟ Ken Yokoyama “Crazy Ken” هو نوع ENFJ في mbti ، 8w9 - - في enneagram ، في Big 5 ، في Socionics."

سيرة شخصية

Member and Lead Singer of the band “Crazy Ken Band” (CKB), Composer and Actor. Born July 7th, 1960. He started the band in 1991, but actually started to work it in 1997, when more members joined the band. The hit song 「タイガー&ドラゴン」(Tiger & Dragon) was used as the theme song of TBS’ show under the same name, as well as「黒い傷跡のブルース」(Kuroi Kizuato no Blues) and「12月17日」(December 17) which were used in the video game yakuza 2 (2006) as well as in the live action movie of the video game previously mentioned.

موسيقى المشاهير مشابه لـ Ken Yokoyama “Crazy Ken”
