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  2. دِين
  3. Slavic

Svarozic نوع شخصية MBTI


"ما نوع الشخصية Svarozic؟ Svarozic هو نوع INFJ في mbti ، 9w1 - - في enneagram ، في Big 5 ، في Socionics."

سيرة شخصية

Svarozic rules earthly fire. Like Dazhbog, he is either considered to be one of Svarog's sons, or the manifestation of one of his aspects, in this case, the celestial fire brought to earth. He occupies a role similar to Gabija the hearth goddess. Besides the obvious need for fire for warmth and cooking, fire is also associated with healing, and people and animals ritually pass between bonfires to ward away or cure diseases. Svarozic's favored weapon is a longsword, and his symbol is a flame.

دِين المشاهير مشابه لـ Svarozic
