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  2. كاريكاتير
  3. Scott Pilgrim

Young Neil Nordegraf نوع شخصية MBTI

Young Neil Nordegraf نوع شخصية MBTI image


"ما نوع الشخصية Young Neil Nordegraf؟ Young Neil Nordegraf هو نوع INFP في mbti ، 4w5 - sp/so - 495 في enneagram ، RLUAI في Big 5 ، IEI في Socionics."

In the comic, in my opinion, it contains the best version of Neil, because in this one, he is, in a way, more "complex". Let's go: Neil's Fi is clearer and is different from the others in the adaptations already made, I have as an example that scene in the comic where Kim says that Knives is the biggest fan of the band 'Sex Bob Omb', and this affects Neil (he heard it and ran away sad), because he believes (and is) that he is the biggest fan, When Fi feels their personal values, or what they believe in, are offended and it ends up being like an insult to themselves. Now what sets Neil apart from the others is his Si, when Neil breaks up with Knives, he feels deeply affected, to the point of smoking and impulsively calling Stephen "Captain Homo" (Fi doms can be impulsive due to having Se and Ne as auxiliaries), In this situation, he uses his Si excessively and in an unhealthy way. An interesting point that demonstrates his Fi: At some point in the comic, Scott asks Neil about Knives, and Neil claims he doesn't prefer to talk about it.

سيرة شخصية

Age: Not really young Stephen's Roommate Stephen Stills' roommate and Sex Bob-omb's #1 (and only) fan/roadie. He's very quiet and is mostly an observer/commentator on the events of the story. After Scott dumps her, Knives briefly dates Neil because he looks similar to Scott, but they later break up.

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