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  3. Standard Royal Court

The Foreign Ambassadors نوع شخصية MBTI

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"ما نوع الشخصية The Foreign Ambassadors؟ The Foreign Ambassadors هو نوع ESFJ في mbti ، - - في enneagram ، في Big 5 ، في Socionics."

سيرة شخصية

Representatives of foreign powers. These are like other courtiers but have more official authority not to mention more firepower behind them. These can range from a lowly envoy from a barbarian tribe to a pompous glittering one from The Empire. Unlike most courtiers they might make open threats from time to time, however this will usually be during very unusual circumstances. Most of the time they do what other courtiers do; bribing, flattering, exchanging favors, and, of course, recruiting spies. Whatever they are doing they are generally treated politely because the monarch would hardly want to get into a war for a silly reason. What constitutes "politeness" will naturally vary according to the culture. At the least, unlike other courtiers the ruler cannot say Off with His Head! with an ambassador because that would certainly mean war.
