1. الناس والشخصيات
  2. موسيقى
  3. Musical Scales

C-sharp major scale نوع شخصية MBTI

C-sharp major scale نوع شخصية MBTI image


"ما نوع الشخصية C-sharp major scale؟ C-sharp major scale هو نوع ENFP في mbti ، 9w1 - - في enneagram ، في Big 5 ، في Socionics."

سيرة شخصية

C-sharp major (or the key of C-sharp) is a major scale based on C♯, consisting of the pitches C♯, D♯, E♯, F♯, G♯, A♯, and B♯. It is enharmonically equivalent to D-flat major. Its key signature has seven sharps. Its relative minor is A-sharp minor (or enharmonically B-flat minor) and its parallel minor is C-sharp minor.
