Sovara Amalie نوع شخصية MBTI

Sovara Amalie نوع شخصية MBTI image


"ما نوع الشخصية Sovara Amalie؟ Sovara Amalie هو نوع ISFJ في mbti ، 9w1 - sp/so - 962 في enneagram ، RLOAN في Big 5 ، EII في Socionics."

wheres fi?? just because shes a little anxious and antisocial doesnt mean shes an INFP. she exhibits very strong fe in her messages with albion. obviously shes close with albion so this is to be expected, but you can literally take any scene with her in it and find fe. just jumped to a random page with her on it from her wiki (paraphrasing for all my quirk haters. love you guys): S: i don’t think cooperi is very fond of the position we’ve put her in Jentha: what’s with this “we” stuff J: don’t pin this on me J: i didn’t set any of this up S: i never said you did? S: are you ok? obviously, shes very concerned with everyone but herself. shes in a tough situation but is more worried about both the feelings of her lusus and the feelings of jentha, even though the latter clearly doesnt even care about how sova is doing. i feel like i dont need to explain any further, this is pretty clear fe usage. in regards to ennea, the whole pushover thing screams 9w1 to me, but this is subject to change once we see more of her. again, dont type her as a 5 just because shes quiet

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