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  3. 36 Questions

Jase Connolly نوع شخصية MBTI

Jase Connolly نوع شخصية MBTI image


"ما نوع الشخصية Jase Connolly؟ Jase Connolly هو نوع INFP في mbti ، 1w9 - sp/sx - 154 في enneagram ، RLOEI في Big 5 ، ILI في Socionics."

i can't see jase as an ISFJ in the slightest... one of his most important values (honesty) was violated by judith, this is the reason for their entire conflict. an Fi user makes decisions based on their personal values and feelings (as well as prioritize them over logic), have a strong connection to their emotions (as well as other people's, they empathize greatly with people), and value authenticity, among many other things. jase lines up with all of those traits, which is why i believe him to be an INFP. **(note: this is done using information from the full podcast, not just the songs.) jase accepts answering the 36 questions to learn what he believes to be the truth. for a while, he stubbornly looks only for information that backs up his belief (that judith is a liar and they aren't meant for each other) which is *VERY* Fi/Te behavior. at the motel, jase grabs his keys to go check on henry. judith mentions him grabbing his keys "for the record", and jase instantly gets defensive. he tells her she's acting like he's "doing something sinister" or that he's "up to something". they go back and forth, jase accuses her of thinking he's going to drive away and leave her. judith never states her reason for mentioning him picking up the keys, but jase instantly notices and understands why she's mentioning it. this is an example of him being extremely attuned to judith's emotional state, which is no easy task since she's a character who doesn't readily show her feelings. and then... not only does he notice it, but he jumps right to taking it as a personal attack, saying judith is insinuating he has something up his sleeve, and that he's not the liar in the relationship. i can't imagine an ISFJ noticing, analyzing, and then reacting defensively to someone's emotional state in such a personal and pointed way so quickly. listen back doesn't strike me as an especially ISFJ song either. he analyzes the record and ends up finding where he feels he went wrong. this is more of an Fi-Si loop in my mind, he's stuck analyzing the past through the lens of how he feels about his actions, and whether or not he did what he feels to be the right thing. he's only able to find the courage to make a change once jase realizes through cooper that he technically lies too. no matter how much judith tried to convince him, jase was stubbornly unable to get past the idea of her lying to him, he pushed back against what was a betrayal and felt to him like an attack on his morals. after 8 years, now that he himself has been the one to make a change to his values, lying doesn't bother him as deeply. now jase is the one in the wrong in his mind, for condemning her for something that he also does. as for jase's pact with his moms... it's to not "hear out natalie" which he breaks as soon as judith shows up on his porch, so i don't really see that as able to be evidence for being an ISFJ (shrug) he brings it up to judith a lot but it's clear that it doesn't play a deciding role in his decision making, otherwise he wouldn't have opened the door and there would be no story. he just kinda leans on that as an excuse to judith as for why they can't work out, when in ~Reality~... it's much more complicated than that. for my conclusion of this way too long comment... "sometimes i get so hellbent on making my point heard that i don't listen to what people have to say. and i need to be called out on that- i should be called out on that." is such a solid Fi quote, from feeling the need to assert a point so much that you don't listen to others, to also having the self knowledge and awareness to know that it should be corrected. if anyone has read this far somehow then thank you (bows) please consider jase Fi realness **edit: also if anybody has questions/comment/concerns or counterarguments or anything at all... please let me know >:) sit down. i'd like to discuss jase connolly with you.

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