AbsoluteSolver نوع شخصية MBTI

AbsoluteSolver نوع شخصية MBTI image


"ما نوع الشخصية AbsoluteSolver؟ AbsoluteSolver هو نوع INTP في mbti ، 8w7 - sx/sp - 584 في enneagram ، SLUEI في Big 5 ، ILI في Socionics."

Why INTJ? Where's the Fi? This thing has no personal values, it's just exists to solve. Ti dom through and through. Ne because it's very scattered and unpredictable, adapts to any situation and doesn't seem to follow a singular detailed plan. Si because it always pays attention to what happened in the past and likes to receive sensory pleasure. Also happy healthy type 5s can look like 8s, especially with an 8 in the tritype. Seriously guys this looks like an xNTP. Why are there no INTP votes?? At least someone voted ENTP. Though I can understand E8 bc it's domineering and Se dom bc it's sporadic and random, but INTJ??

سيرة شخصية

For the earlier half of the Season, it's known as an Ability very few and far between have the Unique Trait of using, allowing them to use World-Manipulating Technology. After manifesting within the program of and subsequently taking Cyn as its host, it was said to be the ender of Earth (as revealed in Episode 6 by Tessa during her conversation with N). Apparently, it's also highly Infectious Among Workers (Explaining why the Disassembly Drones were dispatched back at the Series' origin). Episode 7 revealed it's able to transfer between various hosts with little to no difficulty. Known Hosts include Cyn, Tessa, Nori, and Uzi.

الرسوم الكاريكاتورية أحرف مشابهة لـ AbsoluteSolver
