Cop 663 نوع شخصية MBTI


"ما نوع الشخصية Cop 663؟ Cop 663 هو نوع INTP في mbti ، 9w1 - sp/sx - 964 في enneagram ، RCUAN في Big 5 ، SLI في Socionics."

He gives of an external persona of seeming like he wants order and structure in his life. He wants to stay in his small world to live out his duties as a cop and live in a tiny apartment not because he particularly enjoys it but it's what's comfortable. 9 and 6 in his tritype make sense with this as they are anti-intuitive and rely on sensory activity despite the fact I think he's an intuitive. Faye (an ENFP) knows that there is a more playful side to him that she can relate to, which is partly why she is drawn to him. We can see this in his interactions with his Ex where he plays around with the aeroplane almost like a child, by himself he gives personalities to random objects in his house partly out of a feeling of loneliness (In Fe) and just to use his imagination somewhere (Ne). Faye cleaning up his apartment makes 663 question if his Ex has come back to his apartment to clean it and deduces it will be Faye With Ti. Faye gets a Tertiary Te kick out of this. His main conflict like 223 is his focus on the future (Ne) Vs his of dwelling on the past (Si) which also keeps him Unhappy. Both him and cop 223 are stuck in Si loops which they eventually have to break through. (P.S he's probably the most charismatic Intp in film I've ever seen.)

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