Geppetto نوع شخصية MBTI


"ما نوع الشخصية Geppetto؟ Geppetto هو نوع INTJ في mbti ، 5w6 - so/sp - في enneagram ، في Big 5 ، ILI في Socionics."

Geppetto is a cautious man. For his goal to really come to fruition, he's prepared Pinocchio to absorb ergo. To have a fighting chance against all sorts of monsters and villains that he'd come across. His hatred of the alchemists is so strong he even prepared with Venigni (unknowingly) to prepare the Grand Covenant and prepare Zero Law, which would activate the puppet frenzy to fight against the carcasses. He knew Pinocchio would stand a chance, but he's still careful with him not only because Pinocchio holds Carlo's ergo but because he resembled him, an imagery of who Carlo is. Even at the end of it all (Liar route), he figured that Pinocchio had Carlo's mischievousness when he refused him. But more importantly, he is all the family that Geppetto has left, and he's determined to bring back the "happy family" he once had. All of this may apply to both Ni and Te. If you actually look at Pinocchio's character throughout the game, you could see staggering differences between Liar route and Truthful route, Human and Puppet. The more he lies, the more human he becomes. Thus, his animations and grunts were resembling that of a human. Geppetto couldn't even see that at all because as far as he knew, Pinocchio is just a puppet, a means to bring back his son. That is the objective truth, he created Pinocchio for that very reason, thus reinforcing Te. His goal was really all to bring his son back, whom he never acknowledged until it was all over. His goal, his motivations, his actions, all of it was done with Te, but back up heavily with Fi, everything he has done was all for his son. Pinocchio was a means to an end but he still resembled Carlo which he holds very dearly to. Once the end was getting near, with Pinocchio defeating Simon and accumulating enough ergo, he's dead-set on getting back Pinocchio's heart to bring back Carlo. Unfortunately (especially if you go for the Liar route), he couldn't see that his son is already real, with real human choices and real human emotions, and with his human characteristics as discussed in the previous paragraph, all of which exemplifies inferior Se. Once again, he failed to acknowledge his son until it was too late... Gods, this is making me cry.

سيرة شخصية

Geppetto is the father of puppets and is the genius engineer who led the golden age of Krat and revitalized the city. He is the creator and father of Pinocchio. The Catastrophe was a disaster that even Geppetto could not handle alone. He creates P to save the people and the fate of Krat. One of the first objectives is to find Geppetto, who is out somewhere on Elysion Boulevard. Some time later he has a room in Hotel Krat on the second floor. (Source: Lies of P fandom wiki)

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