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  3. Maximum Ride

Maximum "Max" Ride نوع شخصية MBTI

Maximum "Max" Ride نوع شخصية MBTI image


"ما نوع الشخصية Maximum "Max" Ride؟ Maximum "Max" Ride هو نوع ESTJ في mbti ، 8w7 - so/sp - 826 في enneagram ، SLOAN في Big 5 ، في Socionics."

Alright, I have switched my vote many times, and although with her caring nature and being the leader of the flock, she originally seemed like an Fe or Fi user, it's clear to me now she is ESTJ. Her Te is evident in not only how quick she is in her critical thinking, but in how she is a natural leader and frequently shares her thoughts and ideas with the flock. This can also connect with her auxiliary Si. She shows this often, not to say that connecting to her past makes her an Si user, but it is evident she uses it as a way to guide her or find new information. Her Te-Ne connection also makes a lot of sense, she is creative enough that she is able to craft these ideas (Ne) and then assess and "edit" them if flawed. (Te) Finally I'd like to address why I initially thought she may be ISFP or Fe/Fi dom. Considering almost the entire series they are in stressful situations, it makes sense that the flock's inferior functions would come out often. Therefore we can see Max using a lot of her inferior Fi and developing it as she does so. When - (small spoilers ahead) Fang kisses Max in book 7 (manga), and they are talking about what happened in Virginia, Max is seen becoming not only jealous seeing Fang with another girl later on, but beating herself up about past issues with Fang, or feeling selfish. This is all her Fi and Te clashing with one another, manifesting into her stress. Addressing her enneagram, I think 8w7 is fitting, although I could also see 8w9 for her. 8w7's desire control over their own lives and wish for others to be free as well. Considering the flocks' situation, it's pretty clear this is a good fit for her. Type 8's can also typically think quite creatively, especially with 7 wings.

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