Bat Queen نوع شخصية MBTI


"ما نوع الشخصية Bat Queen؟ Bat Queen هو نوع INFJ في mbti ، 2w1 - sp/so - 216 في enneagram ، RCOAN في Big 5 ، ESI في Socionics."

Her second appearance is a great example of 8 disintegration in type 2s. Her dedication to what she considers “right” and the various trials she holds seems indicative of a 1 wing.

سيرة شخصية

The Bat Queen is a character of The Owl House. She is the wealthiest demon on the Boiling Isles who was once a staff's palisman until she was broken and discarded. Now she serves as a protector to other palismans who have been broken and abandoned.

الرسوم الكاريكاتورية أحرف مشابهة لـ Bat Queen
