1. الناس والشخصيات
  2. التلفاز
  3. Smosh

Ian Hecox نوع شخصية MBTI

Ian Hecox نوع شخصية MBTI image


"ما نوع الشخصية Ian Hecox؟ Ian Hecox هو نوع ENFP في mbti ، 6w7 - sx/sp - 694 في enneagram ، SLUAI في Big 5 ، EII في Socionics."

Ian in sketches: Hehe I love life and friendship!! Poniesssss!! Pink frosted sprinkle doughnuts!!! :D Ian irl: There are thousands of landmines around the world and seals are committing suicide. We are all going to die. 😐

سيرة شخصية

Ian Hecox as he usually portray "himself" in Smosh videos. For his real life profile see his entry in Online Comedians.
