Eddie Dear نوع شخصية MBTI


"ما نوع الشخصية Eddie Dear؟ Eddie Dear هو نوع ESFJ في mbti ، 9w1 - so/sp - 962 في enneagram ، SCUAN في Big 5 ، ESE في Socionics."

based on information on the creator's tumblr, this guy's a slam dunk for an ESFJ if we're using cognitive functions. charming, cheerful and focused on his duty as mailman (high fe), and takes a lot of comfort in routine and organization and things being "just so" (high si). he seems like he really wants to do good and be good, he just struggles to because he's clumsy and forgetful - things I'd imagine don't really have anything to do with MBTI generally.

سيرة شخصية

“Reliable, kind, and ever determined, Eddie Dear is the best mailman Welcome Home has ever had, albeit the only one. Despite being a bit of a clumsy and forgetful fellow, Eddie loves his job and always manages to deliver everyone’s mail right on schedule.”
