Jung Soo-Min نوع شخصية MBTI


"ما نوع الشخصية Jung Soo-Min؟ Jung Soo-Min هو نوع ESFJ في mbti ، 2w3 - sp/sx - 287 في enneagram ، SCOAN في Big 5 ، ESE في Socionics."

She's really getting on my nerves. She's so sp2, she reminds me of the girl I entirely dislike on my class. They almost have the same personality, but this chick is on another level. P.s. Some people vote her as an E4 because of the its passion Envy, but remember Envy in Enneagram is not literal. Envy is defined as false deficiency, which means the act of having a distorted belief of being lesser than everyone. And through their fixation "Introjection", e4s are the type to internalize any negative impressions, hence they express a sort of love for the pain. Because having these emotions sort of justifies their reaction as they highlight their individualism. Being both an image type, E4s builds their image from suffering while E2s build it based on their self exhalation. As to how Soomin acted, she leans on the latter. She doesn't focus too much on expressing her suffering and insufficiency nor make this a reason for her actions in an egotistical way but rather comes from having too much pride. "You won't let me win" [to Jiwon] "Why do you hate me?" [to Jihyuk] "Why can't I? That Jerk tried to kill me first" Despite her tendency to play the victim when manipulating others, this behavior is not reflective of her true self. Instead, her genuine emotions often reveal a sense of entitlement, or what can be described as a false abundance, embodying the essence of Pride as depicted in E2. Also I see her, specifically as a Self Preservation 2. Self Preservation takes high prioritization on their security and materialism and doesn't like to take a risk to lose this. So pride comes in a way of an infant, someone who ask other people to do what it wants. Because of that they are discreet, they don't necessarily confront conflict so they instead let other people do it which SooMin does in every part of her life with Jiwon. She doesn't fit the sx4 of an E4 since she doesn't project any shameless hate onto Jiwon. Sexual 4s are much more competitive and invasive.

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التلفاز أحرف مشابهة لـ Jung Soo-Min
