Susie Campbell نوع شخصية MBTI


"ما نوع الشخصية Susie Campbell؟ Susie Campbell هو نوع ENFP في mbti ، 4w3 - - 497 في enneagram ، RLUEN في Big 5 ، SEI في Socionics."

"It may only be my second month working for Joey Drew, but I can already tell I'm gonna love it here! People really seem to enjoy my Alice Angel voice. Sammy says she may be as popular as Bendy some day. These past few weeks I have voiced everything from talking chairs to dancing chickens. But this is the first character I really felt a connection with. Like she's a part of me. Alice and I, we are going places." She seems like an ENFP to me. Her childish ways of going about things and how she refers to Alice as if she's a real person seems like an ENFP. I don't know much about MBTI right now, but I think I could be right. "They told me I was perfect for the role. Absolutely perfect. Now Joey's going around saying things behind closed doors. I can always tell. Now he wants to meet again tomorrow, says he has an "opportunity" for me. I'll hear him out. But if that smooth talker thinks he can double cross an angel and get away with it, well, oh he's got another thing coming. Alice, ooh she doesn't like liars." This seems like a very unhealthy ENFP. She got obsessed with this person who wasn't even real and began ignoring real life. She sees Alice as another person but also as herself.

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