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Shannon (CreepShow Art) نوع شخصية MBTI

Shannon (CreepShow Art) نوع شخصية MBTI image


"ما نوع الشخصية Shannon (CreepShow Art)؟ Shannon (CreepShow Art) هو نوع ENFP في mbti ، 6w7 - sx/so - 684 في enneagram ، SLUEI في Big 5 ، EIE في Socionics."

I used to watch her years ago but I stopped, because something just felt wrong with the way she presented her videos. I couldn't point out exactly why, but it just felt dishonest somehow. I always thought the self-loathing jokes were too aggressive (probably fishing for compliments) and she always made excuses for her fuckups. Probably the biggest red flag for me was the constant excuses in her videos, it felt like she was trying to lay the grounds to defend herself if things didn't go her way at some point. If you have dealt with manipulators before, you know what I'm talking about. TRO made a good video about her, and I agree with his reasoning: Shannon stirs conflict between people because she enjoys the drama, she enjoys being the mastermind behind everything, she enjoys the gossip as well. Her manipulation tactics are very obvious (love bombing people, being overly emotional when "defending" someone so she can emotional blackmail them later, self-depreciating herself to gain sympathy points, etc). I don't know if it gives her a sense of power to put people against each other, but regardless, I'm glad the mask fell off. Also, can we just say her art sucks?

سيرة شخصية

With nearly 500,000 subscribers, Creepshow Art, whose first name is Shannon, had made a name for herself in the YouTube commentary community — a major category on the platform in which creators offer their own analysis and opinions on news, politics, YouTube drama, and other stories.

إنترنت المشاهير مشابه لـ Shannon (CreepShow Art)
