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Joel Berghult (Roomie) نوع شخصية MBTI

Joel Berghult (Roomie) نوع شخصية MBTI image


"ما نوع الشخصية Joel Berghult (Roomie)؟ Joel Berghult (Roomie) هو نوع ENFP في mbti ، 3w2 - so/sp - 397 في enneagram ، SCUAI في Big 5 ، في Socionics."

he uses Ti sometimes, but Fi seems a lot like the way he used to say things like "She's a good singer, but her voice doesn't stand out at all" "this song has no interesting point, it's just A good song " He has his own style of music and for him, it needs to be something authentic and that catches his attention. Something characteristic of an ENFP. And he also uses a lot of Te when talking about music, he is much more direct in being efficient than having a complete understanding of the process. This video is the biggest prove of his Te terciary. Exfp's tend to not fully develop Te (starts at 1:35) https://youtu.be/_dTxAAtqpoM Joel is more confortable with Fi, that's why he uses Te in a very simplist way to make the song. He firts get's the idea of "Sexy, steamy, that type of feel" as the base and ended up focusing the how work in "making a sexy song" and skips the fact it's a duet and changes the lyrics to the way he thinks it's more efficient, ignoring Si which shows HIS NOT A ISTJ (11:20). I've noticed that a lot of people starting in Mbti has the wrong conception of Fe; that Fe is about being nice or helpfull to people. But is not really, Fe is about being able to catch/realize the external feeling of situations. That's why Joel is not a ENTP;

سيرة شخصية

Joel Gustaf Berghult, better known online as RoomieOfficial, or just Roomie, is a Swedish YouTuber, comedian, singer and a songwriter, well known for his "One Guy, [number] Voices" series, with his "One Guy, 43 Voices" video being his most popular video on his channel, ranking up to 73 million views. He is from Gothenburg, Sweden and currently lives in the UK. He is also known for creating various PewDiePie songs, such as "FABULOUS!", "BROFIST" and "His Name Is Pewdiepie". Roomie is also good friends with PewDiePie, and supported him in The Great Subscriber War, and was helped Pewds and Dave in making the diss track Congratulations about T-Series.

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