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Hincmar of Reims نوع شخصية MBTI

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سيرة شخصية

Hincmar (Ingemar, Latin: Hincmarus; 806 – 21 December 882), archbishop of Reims, was a Frankish jurist and theologian, as well as the friend, advisor and propagandist of Charles the Bald. He belonged to a noble family of northern Francia. He was an ardent defender of the independence of his (and every episcopal) see from the papal and king's influence. He was an ecclesiastical writer. He wrote Life of St. Remigius of Reims and promoted monastic life and discipline. He was undertaking construction projects, especially of the cathedral in Reims, took care for the poor, defended faith in dogmatic polemics with the heretics. He is considered a saint among Benedictines.

دِين المشاهير مشابه لـ Hincmar of Reims
