Red Son Superman نوع شخصية MBTI

Red Son Superman نوع شخصية MBTI image


"ما نوع الشخصية Red Son Superman؟ Red Son Superman هو نوع INFJ في mbti ، 6w5 - so/sp - 612 في enneagram ، RLOAI في Big 5 ، ESI في Socionics."

I know it's in the Soviet Union but I can't help but think they really took inspiration from Hitler with this one.

سيرة شخصية

Superman (real name Kal-L) is the titular main protagonist of the alternate-universe DC storyline known as "Superman: Red Son". In this reality, Superman was not raised in Smallville, Kansas, but on a collective farm in Soviet Ukraine and thus becomes a powerful tool for the communist regime and a danger to the democracies of Earth - although he ultimately redeems himself after being betrayed by Brainiac, who would take over as the true villain of the storyline. In the Red Son timeline, Superman was raised by workers on a collective farm in Soviet Ukraine and became an enforcer for the communist regime. Despite his villainous role as part of Stalin's regime, he was shown to progress as a character and, while a danger to the world for much of the story, often found himself conflicted with his loyalty to the USSR and his own inner-sense of justice, which would see him shift from a "Big Brother"-esque villain to the more heroic "Man of Steel" found in most other Superman media.
