Sumire Kurauchi (Sabukaru-chan) نوع شخصية MBTI

Sumire Kurauchi (Sabukaru-chan) نوع شخصية MBTI image


"ما نوع الشخصية Sumire Kurauchi (Sabukaru-chan)؟ Sumire Kurauchi (Sabukaru-chan) هو نوع ISTP في mbti ، 4w5 - sp/so - 485 في enneagram ، RCOEN في Big 5 ، SLI في Socionics."

why rcoen? and not rcoei? big 5 (sloan) describes rcoei as “withdrawn, not wild and crazy, private, loner, not relationship obsessed, not swayed by emotions, insensitive to the needs of others, unhelpful, interested in intellectual pursuits, avoidant, does not put the needs of others ahead of self, thinks before acting, very scientific, not upset by the misfortune of strangers, avoids small talk, values solitude, private, does not get worked up about most things, fearless, unaffected by the suffering of others, calm in crisis, not easily excited, won't do much to avoid rejection, not known for generosity, not easily confused, cold, not prone to complimenting others, dislikes most people but tries to get along to minimize hostility, hard to get to know, more dominant than submissive, not easily hurt, driven by reason, influenced more by self than others, rarely worried, hard to impress, not that interested in relationships, hard to influence, not concerned about failing when trying something new, self confident, knows why they do things, not easily moved to tears, not prone to jealousy, not guided by moods”

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مصورات الرسوم المتحركه اليابانيه أحرف مشابهة لـ Sumire Kurauchi (Sabukaru-chan)
