Paul I of Russia نوع شخصية MBTI


"ما نوع الشخصية Paul I of Russia؟ Paul I of Russia هو نوع ISTJ في mbti ، 6w5 - so/sx - 614 في enneagram ، RLOEN في Big 5 ، LSI في Socionics."

From the very early childhood, Pavel was treated too reverently, which sometimes reached the point of absurdity. From each strong blow of the door, he hid under the table — before his nervous system was deformed. He was overfed first with dairy products, then they focused on meat — the boy was sick of everything. This is where his excessive anxiety and anxiety began to develop. The boy isolated himself from the world every free minute from classes, imagining himself as a brave knight who defeated enemies in battle scenarios. After his father's death, his anxiety and suspicion reached an incredible level, almost bordering on paranoia. His relationship with his mother Catherine II became even colder than before. The boy almost never received attention and love from his mother, he spent almost all the time studying. After the accession of Catherine 2, at the age of majority, Paul never received the rightful throne, but on the contrary was sent away from power - to the Gatchina province. There, the young man completely immersed himself in creating his own little ideal world, where everything goes according to his system. Gatchina regiments were distinguished by particularly strict discipline - everything had to be perfect: from a neat uniform without folds to a powdered braid of a wig, which should be strictly of a certain length. Pavel personally supervised the order in the province. Over the years, Pavel lost more and more trust in people. After the death of his first wife, he found out that she cheated on him with his best friend. After that, Pavel finally closed himself in, he will not be able to trust anyone else, but will only experience the strongest paranoia throughout almost his entire life. His contemporaries often described him as a hot-tempered and irritable person, but capable of being frank, noble and unusually kind. After his accession to the throne, Paul completely tried to get rid of his mother's innovations by building his own strict system. He saw the internal problems of the country and tried to find a solution to them, but his ideas did not always materialize exactly as he wanted.: inconsistent orders caused by his persecution mania caused confusion and discontent. Every year of his reign, Paul was afraid of one thing: an attempt on his life. He took almost every possible measure to prevent this, sometimes reaching the point of complete absurdity. However, in 1801 he was killed by conspirators (ironically)

سيرة شخصية

Paul I (Russian: Па́вел I Петро́вич; Pavel Petrovich) (1 October [O.S. 20 September] 1754 – 23 March [O.S. 11 March] 1801) reigned as Emperor of Russia between 1796 and 1801. Officially, he was the only son of Peter III and Catherine the Great, although Catherine hinted that he was fathered by her lover Sergei Saltykov. Paul remained overshadowed by his mother for most of his life. His reign lasted four years and ended with his assassination by conspirators. He adopted the laws of succession to the Russian throne—rules that lasted until the end of the Romanov dynasty and of the Russian Empire. He also intervened in the French Revolutionary Wars and, toward the end of his reign, added Kartli and Kakheti in Eastern Georgia into the empire, which was confirmed by his son and successor Alexander I. He was de facto Grand Master of the Order of Hospitallers from 1799 to 1801 and ordered the construction of a number of Maltese thrones.
