Geometry Dash نوع شخصية MBTI


"ما نوع الشخصية Geometry Dash؟ Geometry Dash هو نوع ISTP في mbti ، 7w6 - sx/sp - في enneagram ، RCUEI في Big 5 ، في Socionics."

Ok I know that Geometry Dash pretty much requires the player to remember the entire level but that is not enough of an argument for it to be obligatorily Si dom and therefore be ISTJ. Because the thing is, its not like Geometry Dash is a memory game or a trivia game where you have to remember previously stablished concepts, Geometry Dash, despite its necessity for knowledge, is still fundamentally a game about reflexes and skill. If you asked a Geometry Dash player to tell you with words what happens in every level, even if they know it by feel, they probably wouldn't be able to remember it. However with the hands on the screen, the colours flowing and the music setting them up, it is very likely that they will go through like they knew the level as well as the back of their hand. That sounds more like Se to me, and most Geometry Dash players I know are not people who are very good at using Si anyways. Furthermore, Geometry Dash as we all know is not just a game famous for its gameplay, but also because of its music and aesthetics. Which are both, specially the visuals, much more related to a stunning yet still mysterious Se-Ni axis. And all of this pretty much gives you a game at which, even though yes, you need Si and Te to be good at it, is not what lies at its core. ISTP !!!

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