Bean the Dynamite Duck نوع شخصية MBTI


"ما نوع الشخصية Bean the Dynamite Duck؟ Bean the Dynamite Duck هو نوع ENFP في mbti ، 7w6 - - 739 في enneagram ، SLUEN في Big 5 ، في Socionics."

God I remember loving him so much due to how I acted a lot like him back then (*neurodivergent alert neurodivergent alert*). Jokes aside, NeFi as unhealthy as his hyperfixation towards shinies, no single logic in sight. Love this goofy fella either way. Also, I feel like since his IV is sp/sx, there is no way he is sp6. I think many popular pages of sx6 characters mistyped as sp already has a copypaste of Chestnut's description but basically sp6s generate a warm and kind soul out of anxiety and fear of the outside world. And Bean is the antithesis of warm and kind lmao. Anxious? Sure, but I think it's just one of his many mental disorders. E7's core fears, desires, and fixations definitely fit him moremore: "This subtype has a life full of family and friends. They are usually talkative and amiable people. They enjoy sharing good conversations and ideas with others and planning projects or cooperative efforts. They are good at seeing opportunities when they come and know how to get what they want through planning or working with others." He's one hell of a glue to the Hooligans, despite being a very unconventional one!

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