Roxas نوع شخصية MBTI


"ما نوع الشخصية Roxas؟ Roxas هو نوع ISFP في mbti ، 4w5 - sp/sx - 946 في enneagram ، RLUAN في Big 5 ، ESI في Socionics."

Fi- Strongly motivated by personal feelings. Initially acts quiet and uncertain when struggling to figure out his identity, but quickly becomes more assertive and emotive when bonding with Axel and Xion, becoming close friends with them despite the dark secrets that connect the three. Is greatly devastated when he loses them both for various reasons and lashes out in his fight against Riku in hopes of righting the injustice through sheer force of will. Se- Grounded in the present, identifies the abstract concept of happiness as eating ice cream every afternoon with his friends, highly adept at physical combat. Ni- Not concerned with the past or future unless it involves the safety of his friends. Te- Not very adept at thinking for himself in order to accomplish objectives. When he loses Xion, he impulsively rebels and leaves the Organization, cuts ties with Axel to seek out Kingdom Hearts at Xion's request and rushes into a fatal confrontation with Riku.

سيرة شخصية

Organization XIII's 13th member. A mysterious Nobody able to wield the Keyblade, he defected when he realized that the Organization (sans Axel, though at the time Roxas doubted even that) cared nothing for him. He's revealed to be Sora's Nobody, born when Sora took his own heart in Kingdom Hearts. Roxas ultimately chose to merge back with Sora around the time his summer vacation ended but gladly accepted his fate as he could still exist inside of Sora's heart. As time passed and attitudes changed, however, Sora ultimately resolved to give Roxas his own life autonomous from him, especially after learning Roxas had indeed developed his own heart during his life. These efforts came to fruition during the Second Keyblade War, in which Roxas’s heart was placed inside a Replica which finally allowed Roxas to begin a life that was wholly his own - and one that reunited him with his best friends at last.

ألعاب الفيديو أحرف مشابهة لـ Roxas
