Chase نوع شخصية MBTI


"ما نوع الشخصية Chase؟ Chase هو نوع ESFP في mbti ، 2w3 - sp/sx - 279 في enneagram ، SCUEN في Big 5 ، SEE في Socionics."

This guy is actually the only person from this season that I am 100% confident on typology wise. Chase is a Self-Preservation E2 and it's honestly kind of sad how clear he makes it. Chase is driven by Pride, not Gluttony. An important distinction to note is how Chase seems to never actively search out any kind of stimulus or excitement. He's not making plans, he's not gunning for more experience. He's simply sitting back and letting life happen to him, because he believes that he deserves that. He has completely convinced himself that Emma still loves him and she isn't mad at him, in spite of absolutely no evidence pointing to that being the case. This is his character's entire gimmick. His self image is so inflated that he really thinks Emma's entire world revolves around him, and she's so sad that it does, just not in the way that Chase thinks. He quite literally was planning on getting her name changed to "Chase's Girlfriend". He views her as only an accessory to himself and his greatness, hence why he had no regard for her own safety and considered cutting the breaks on her car and nearly killing her to be not a big deal, and something she can just get over. I honestly don't think I need to go over this in much detail for it to be obvious. Let's instead talk about subtypes. Someone else here argued sexual 2, and while we both absolutely agree that this guy is soc blind, his complete lack of intellect makes that pretty clear (as the social instinct is the inherently intellectual instinct), the issue comes in the way that the sexual 2 operates. This is a 2 that hinges its worth on its desirability yes, but all E2s do that. These E2s are forceful. They are unwavering. They actively seek others out, and they want to be in charge. Chase doesn't really seem to do this? He doesn't really seem to do... anything! He just kind of sits around and expects that to be enough. >Conservation Two appears to be entitled. It can act as if it were he is superior to others and expect preferential treatment, becoming blatant in his expectation of being pampered and having a tantrum if he doesn't get what he wants. His logic is: "I give and do a lot for others; therefore I deserve special treatment." As if, unconsciously, she counts by the hour how much he has sacrificed for the other. He may appear to be a “diva”. >The Conservation E2 feels that to exist is enough to be entitled to receive affection; that he does not have to do anything to receive affection, that he does not have to do anything to receive care and love. Underlying this belief is the belief that he cannot be alone, that he needs another on whom he will project his pride and worth. He is not forceful because he has simply never had to be. He is able to get Emma to do whatever he wants for him, with absolutely no effort on his part. And he attributes it to simply deserving it. And with the latter half of that quote, he has never even thought about the idea that he and Emma are over *because* he cannot conceive of the idea of being alone. And she gives him what he wants by the end because she has her own set of issues.

سيرة شخصية

A thrill-seeker and daredevil who hosts a livestreaming channel where he and his friends pull off all manner of dangerous pranks, stunts, and dares. Chase lives for excitement, but his devil-may-care attitude towards his practical jokes also makes him quite cocky and rather self-centered.

الرسوم الكاريكاتورية أحرف مشابهة لـ Chase
