Bad Cop نوع شخصية MBTI


"ما نوع الشخصية Bad Cop؟ Bad Cop هو نوع ESTJ في mbti ، 6w7 - so/sx - 684 في enneagram ، SLUEN في Big 5 ، SLE في Socionics."

MBTI I really can't see him as a Ti dom, or a Se aux for that matter. I would argue that he is either an ESTJ or an ISTJ, as he uses both Te and Si from time to time. I would argue he uses Te more often, and that his Fi is incredibly underdeveloped - hence him being an ESTJ. As we can see, he finds solace in The Combine - blindly trusting them at times. He adopts their flow of logic (Te), which he is incredibly adamant about. "Te delivers opinions and directives in a firm, direct, measured, and unemotional fashion. It may at times be perceived as harsh, tactless, or unsympathetic." This is basically the gist of his character. Enneagram His head fix is 6, 6es usually pledge their loyalty to a group, a ruleset, or an ideology. He has, as we all have seen, pledged his loyalty to the combine and puts his faith in them to give him answers. His gut fix is 8. 8s have a desire to have control over situations. He uses his position as a member of the Combine to wrestle control of his life situations. His heart fix is 4. 4s are usually focused on their feelings of alterity - being different from others. This is precisely what his thoughts on humanity are. Like an E4, he feels abandoned and wronged because he was different, a social outcast by any other name. Considering all of this information, I would say he is an so/sx 6w7 684. Socionics He is definitely a SLE. He has great awareness of power hierarchies, which is very typical for SLEs. SEEs are more independent. In addition, Betas are characterized by their group-oriented thinking. We can clearly see that he groups others, for example separating 'humans' from 'the combine'. This hierarchical sort of thinking is also aristocratic rather than democratic (like SEE). A good argument can be made for Ti PoLR > Fi PoLR, but it seems like he is more Fi PoLR - it is very difficult for him to relate to others - even his own clone.

سيرة شخصية

Aiden Walker (aka Bad Cop) is the protagonist of 'Entropy: Zero' and 'Entropy: Zero 2'.

ألعاب الفيديو أحرف مشابهة لـ Bad Cop
