PuppyCat نوع شخصية MBTI


"ما نوع الشخصية PuppyCat؟ PuppyCat هو نوع INTJ في mbti ، 8w9 - sp/sx - 863 في enneagram ، في Big 5 ، SLI في Socionics."

He still seems INTJ but i might be biased Alright yeah im not sure about Dom Ni but i still see his Te-Fi His logic is still external rather then internal He asks Bee about what his role as a pet is and how shes supposed to take care of him but comments how she has no money so he almost IMMEDIATELY throws her into a job without explaining anything for the simple fact that now she'll have the money to take care of him. This quick action is the quick efficiency Te is known for and he clearly only cared abt getting her the money his actions being guided by the overall end-goal Te (maybe Ni-Te) and if he was a Ti user i feel like he wouldve asked why does HE need to be the pet or something of that manor so basically Te (aka Puppycat): If your gonna take care of me and dont have money then lets get some damn money Ti & lower Fe: Why am I the pet all of a sudden Speaking of Fe i dont see it anywhere i see much more Fi he's generally VERY shameless and upfront with the things he likes like Pretty Patrick of his admiration for Wesley for being cool i cant explain Ni dom or Se inf rn but i will once i watch more Im on episode 4 rn but hes looking like INTJ too me maybe sx 6 like the 2013 version

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