1. الناس والشخصيات
  2. موسيقى
  3. National Anthems

Kimigayo (Japan) نوع شخصية MBTI

Kimigayo (Japan) نوع شخصية MBTI image


"ما نوع الشخصية Kimigayo (Japan)؟ Kimigayo (Japan) هو نوع INFJ في mbti ، 6w5 - - 683 في enneagram ، RCOEN في Big 5 ، EII في Socionics."

سيرة شخصية

"Kimigayo" (君が代, Japanese pronunciation: [kimiɡajo]; "His Imperial Majesty's Reign") is the national anthem of Japan. The lyrics of "Kimigayo" are likely the oldest among the world's national anthems, and with a length of 32 characters, they are also the world's shortest. The lyrics are from a waka poem written by an unnamed author in the Heian period (794–1185), and the current melody was chosen in 1880, replacing an unpopular melody composed by John William Fenton eleven years earlier. Its length of 11 measures is currently among the world's shortest. While the title "Kimigayo" is usually translated as "His Imperial Majesty's Reign", no official translation of the title or lyrics has been established in law.
