Ivy نوع شخصية MBTI


"ما نوع الشخصية Ivy؟ Ivy هو نوع ISTJ في mbti ، 6w5 - so/sx - 614 في enneagram ، RLOEN في Big 5 ، IEI في Socionics."

When I saw her for the first time I thought she was an ENTJ, and obviously not, you can see her TE but not as a dominant function, and as soon as her dominant function SI fits her quite well, in her conversation with Kagetsu she expresses her disagreement not to know how their powers work or where they come from, ISTJs like everything to have a logical and tangible explanation, which differentiates them from INTJs, that they do not prioritize this, in addition to being a person who likes comfort, too We add to it being extremely logical, the ISTJs are possibly the most logical of the MBTI, SI +TE lends itself a lot to that. As for the enneagram, it also shows a lot of the typical fear of the 6 and its comfort of what is already established, also when realizing that the divine Dragon is the good one, it changes sides, this is because it generally likes to be on the good side of the story, the 6 likes people to tell them that they are doing the right thing. As for her tritype, I feel that 2 suits her better, she has shown the characteristic pride of 2 in her conversation with Alfred, 2 usually helps because she wants something in return, when she finds herself indebted to Alfred, she wants to take that weight off her shoulders, Possibly thinking that he will ask for something in return, but the truth is that I don't see 4 very well. Although it may just be my imagination. Sorry for my english i'm hispanic

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