Makio Uzuki نوع شخصية MBTI


"ما نوع الشخصية Makio Uzuki؟ Makio Uzuki هو نوع ENFP في mbti ، 7w6 - sx/so - 792 في enneagram ، في Big 5 ، في Socionics."

Hmm... is he really an ESFJ though? I feel like he has way too much Ne for it to be tertiary. It's everywhere, from how he can connect literally anything to cake and how he rambles on and on about the topics of his choosing. Here's one of his lines from Space Stars Festa: ("If I had a time machine... Ah, could it be possible for aliens to have one of those? I wonder where I could meet an alien... maybe Asselin could summon one... What would I do if I could meet an alien? I could tell them about how wonderful cake is...") whereupon Kamiya politely tells him to stop talking, lol. His thought process is just so Ne to me that I have a hard time seeing him as anything but an Ne-dom. Furthermore, I know he may give off Fe vibes(???) since he's kind and caring and princely, but does he actually exhibit that much Fe? Both Fe and Fi users can be kind and caring. In Baile of Love and Passion, he's unable to act as the character he's playing until he connects it with his personal experiences and emotions in order to relate to him. That just signals Fi to me instead, to be honest. He also has the typical "Oh, if only I were better/more competent" self-blame blah typically associated with Fi... But if anyone has any other thoughts do let me know!

سيرة شخصية

ألعاب الفيديو أحرف مشابهة لـ Makio Uzuki
