Mary Anne Spier نوع شخصية MBTI


"ما نوع الشخصية Mary Anne Spier؟ Mary Anne Spier هو نوع ISFJ في mbti ، 1w9 - so/sx - 126 في enneagram ، RLOAN في Big 5 ، في Socionics."

سيرة شخصية

The secretary of the club, as she is extremely organized and had very neat handwriting. Was raised by her father, her mother having passed away when she was very young. In early books, her father Richard was very strict, but he gradually loosens up as time passes. She was Kristy's next-door neighbor before Kristy's move, and throughout most of the books is her Shrinking Violet best friend. She was the first of the club members to have a steady boyfriend, club associate officer Logan Bruno, whom she meets in Logan Likes Mary Anne. Becomes stepsisters with Dawn in Mary Anne and the Great Romance.

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