Rotom Dex نوع شخصية MBTI

Rotom Dex نوع شخصية MBTI image


"ما نوع الشخصية Rotom Dex؟ Rotom Dex هو نوع في mbti ، 2w3 - so/sx - 279 في enneagram ، في Big 5 ، في Socionics."

idk who voted 5w4 but rotom dex isn’t 5-ish at all. “Twos like people while Fives range from apathy to being misanthropic. Twos feel a need to be in a facilitating role for others while a Five is very comfortable withdrawing from people.” rotom is extremely image conscious with the player; enneagram 2 or 3 should be the discussion. all of rotom dex’s dialogue can be found here: (ctrl + f: “Text File : 89”) and their conversation options start at ctrl+f “Roto-[VAR 1stchrTR(0002)]”. what often comes up is rotom dex asking if they’re useful to you. “By the way... I’m helpful, right? Like, I’m being useful to you?” “By the way... You don’t mind having me around, right, [VAR TRNAME(0000)]? Am I helpful?” “Oh, like to go about thingzzz your own way, eh? But you still like having me around, right?” more often than not though, the rotom dex will ask you how you’re doing and compliment you and make you feel good. the three wing comes from rotom dex’s commentary on their functionality for the user. “Twos tend to project a self-image of a caring, nurturing, friendly helper. They tend to over express their feelings, focusing on the positive emotions, while repressing the negative ones. Their self-image is directed outward trying to get others to like them. Generally, Twos accomplish this task by being kind and giving to others and expecting others to validate and appreciate them. Twos are trying to earn attention: by being kind and loving others, others will be kind and loving in return. Twos can maintain their "all-good" self-image by rejecting what they see as their "negative" qualities. They also minimize their own needs so they can focus on meeting the needs of others. Sometimes the Two gets into the situation where they are not needed. Since Twos get their worth from helping others (they need to be needed), they will still try to find ways to help others, even if it really isn't required. With the best of intentions, Twos can start to become intrusive and meddlesome and try to make others dependent on them.”

سيرة شخصية

Rotom Pokédex also known as the Rotom Dex, is an electronic device found in Alola. It is a Pokédex that is enhanced after being possessed by a Rotom. #DaisukeNamikawa

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