Riley Lethe نوع شخصية MBTI


"ما نوع الشخصية Riley Lethe؟ Riley Lethe هو نوع INTP في mbti ، 3w2 - so/sp - 359 في enneagram ، في Big 5 ، ESE في Socionics."

ok imma go against the odds right here, at least for now. Could Riley maybe be an INTP with well developed Fe? ESFJ is definitely the next best option, she, however, has that quirky side to her (Ti and Ne) which would fit that of an INTP, if you observe her character outside of her swift storyline. Now here the explanation; Her character is quite different from the others, you don't know too much about her, other than her being very kind to others, loving towards her grandma, but at the same time, she is also (from my observation) not a 'people' person, interestingly. She is somewhat oblivious and awkward when it comes to her relationship with Mac, (chapter 2 spoilers) A random memory in lethes flower shop revealed that mac made the first step with riley, saying that he likes her quirky side, her being smart and into robotics/ computer science, whereas her interpreting it as him making fun of her, not understanding that he tried to bond with her by giving her compliments. Even at the beginning of the game, I'd interpret it as Ti and Ne, when she asks alex a random question about a study of hers, quite a strange one - but in a positive way, instead of greeting her and make her feel welcome which would be a given for Fe doms like ESFJ, but that wasn't the case. Later in the game, when alex played an rpg (not the larp, but an rpg game which was briefly mentioned via her memories) she talked with riley about it and she was eager to explain alex all the things on how to excel at the rpg and wanted to discuss about it,after alex mentioned that she reached lvl 70? in that game. She gave her infos about the game with enthusiasm (Ti function which loves to share information). (chapter 3) the USB stick part + another scene in lethes flower shop is kind of a given, just because she is into robotics is of course not a good enough reason for her not to be an ESFJ. The scene during the LARP, when alex went to the shop and asking her about the USB stick, riley gave her short and precise answers about everything regarding the USB stick and mac (not knowing how to handle the relationship when she will move out bc of university) she was entirely oblivious about her grandmas dementia, despite there being signs all over the place despite her grandma keeping it a secret. ESFJ are usually very good and sometimes even nosy when it comes to other peoples business, especially within their own family, she is unaware of her grandma leaving a note for herself at the cash register: 'check if I order something twice - signs of brain fog or something worse' right next to her despite her working there, her head might've been busy with university, but she, out of all people, at least should have realized that her grandma didn't attend gabes commemoration/funeral and didn't even question it. (at the beginning of chapter 2). She might've missed the note at the cash register, but that was quite a hint of her not being a Fe dom, because her grandma clearly forgot that gabe even died and didn't give any reasons for her not attending to anyone, especially riley. After progressing through the game, it was alex decision to tell riley about her grandmas dementia or keeping her secret for rileys sake so she can go to university and not worry about her. If alex chooses not to tell her, she would've never noticed. ok this is quite a book up to this point, but I'm really interested if you agree or think otherwise, since most people up to this point have voted her as an ESFJ, I might've viewed her from a certain type of lens after observing those little fun characteristics of her which were more hidden elements about her character in the game, something that isn't obvious at first glance when interacting with a side character like her, but I could be wrong entirely.

سيرة شخصية

Riley Lethe is a resident of the town of Haven Springs in Life is Strange: True Colors. She is Eleanor's granddaughter and Mac's girlfriend.

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