Irina Clockworker نوع شخصية MBTI


"ما نوع الشخصية Irina Clockworker؟ Irina Clockworker هو نوع ENTJ في mbti ، - sp/so - 485 في enneagram ، في Big 5 ، في Socionics."

I think that the fusion of Maria and the ghoul child we know as Irina for most of the series is ENTJ, so I’ve voted her accordingly. She acquires vast networks of useful people to do her bidding because it’s the most efficient way (Te) for her to reach her ultimate goal (Ni), and she’s focused on that goal to the point that she neglects what “she” truly wants (inferior Fi). When she confronts Gumilia and Levia in the Court in Fifth Pierrot, Gumilia remarks after Irina delivers her spiel about fulfilling the mission of a HER to spread malice: “That’s nonsense. Programming, missions…Do you have your own will in there?” (Part 2, Chapter 3, Scene 4). Even though she tells Gumilia to shut up, she does think about her identity, as shown in Recollection H. (Too many paragraph breaks for me to copy and paste effectively, but she reflects on her desire for family and friends.) But she only did Fi reflection after it was too late for her to do anything about it. Maybe she adopted Lemy partially to express her Fi, but that was ultimately subordinated to her Ni vision and Te worldview. Her Se, I haven’t seen much, though. I suppose she lives in the moment, because she definitely doesn’t seem to do as much reflection on her past as a Si user might, for better or worse. When we see this Irina in Chapter 5, Scene 3, she responds to Seth’s inquiries about who she is with, “I’m… me”. Seth says that her answer is philosophically sound but not what he’s looking for (I suppose he’s a Ti-Fe user), but this heavily suggests Fi over Fe on her part, even though, as we’ve seen elsewhere, she heavily prioritizes Te over Fi as a judging function. The ghoul child whose soul Maria fused with, I think, is a high Fe user. In OSS: Punishment, Chapter 1, Scene 1 (which I think is the best look we get at her), she addresses Nyoze with Sir and justifies her lateness to him by saying she was helping her brother and lost track of time. She’s constantly worried for her brother, but when Nyoze says they’ll send someone to help him, she doesn’t try to argue for her to stay with him (a Fi user might be more insistent on their will). But Fe doesn’t appear to be her first priority—she’s not primarily concerned with social harmony, but uses it to interact with this stranger when she has to. The ghoul child’s constantly absorbed in her responsibilities with helping Kiril, including chores such as laundry and cleaning. This seems like subjectivizing her sensory experiences to me—she’s focused on those chores as a symbol of caring for Kiril, and she’s worried about leaving him alone through the lens of him not being able to physically handle those things. This seems like Si to me—she uses Fe (her adherence to group emotions/morality) to support her subjective sensory priorities (her duty to do work for Kiril). Just think, if Seth were to ask her who she was, she’d probably define herself around Kiril instead of thinking that asserting her own existence is enough (Fe over Fi). Her Ti, I think, can be seen in how she continuously tries to insist on going back to Kiril because he’s bad at doing chores, or he’s shy (when Nyoze says they can hire someone to help him)—her subjective logic keeps leading her down that path, even though Nyoze already told her an effective way to supposedly assuage her concerns. Her inferior Ne is shown pretty stereotypically—she shows her Ne imagination by coming up with all the problems with leaving Kiril be, while reasoning through them through Ti. But she’s using Ne quite unhealthily (inferior Ne) and giving her Ti reign to justify herself (Ti tert), so these seem to be lower functions for her. My conclusion for her is thus ISFJ. There is one more look we get at her, though: “She had lingering inside her a faint memory of when she was born… I am… a ‘dud’” (Chapter 5, Scene 2). She recalls Kiril’s face as they met for the first time, her as a baby almost drowned by Seth, and him running to their father with her in his arms. The fact that this look into her consciousness is dominated by that memory seems to support dom Si as well. The ENTJ is already present in her current consciousness in her drive to become queen, but the memory belongs to the ISFJ, for sure—the baby who held onto that experience of being cared for after being abandoned by her creator, and subsequently used it as a guide for her actions for the brief period of time she had reign over herself. It’s a real pity she couldn’t fight back against Maria, though. I guess Maria herself might be an ENTJ whose will usurped that of that poor ISFJ (maybe her Fi desires and identity were influenced by the ghoul child’s, though?), but I haven’t looked too thoroughly through OSS: Crime. I just remember her calling the Senate “fools”. Maybe later.

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