Diana Gabaldon نوع شخصية MBTI


"ما نوع الشخصية Diana Gabaldon؟ Diana Gabaldon هو نوع في mbti ، - - في enneagram ، في Big 5 ، في Socionics."

I've watched some of her interviews. She got her start in creative writing by writing to a comic book editor that she thought she could write better after reading his works for 25 years and being unimpressed with how his work lowered in quality (3 or potentially 6). She originally went into academia after it being impressed on her that it was the sensible thing to do by her parents (so). She juggled multiple jobs and had young children at the time she began writing her first novel, Outlander. She'd known she wanted to be a novelist since she was a child and had always been writing, but had never written a non-academic novel solely for herself. She didn't know how to, so she thought Outlander would just be for practice (hence why she was unable to pick just 1 genre for it). She was in her mid-thirties and thought writing a book was now or never. She did not want to be talked out of it, so she wrote it without telling anyone (sx). In interviews, she doesn't shy away from talking about what inspired the plot and setting. She saw an 18th-century man in a kilt in a Doctor Who episode and imagined what it would be like to be pressed up against a wall with him (sx). She did not know anything about 18th-century Scotland but she figured it didn't matter where she started from, just that she picked a point and went from there. She believes it's possible to start a story from anywhere and to make one out of anything. She fleshed out this complex plot solely from this image of a man in a kilt and works that way for much of her plot's inspiration (Ne). She did not expect it to be a success, she just wanted to make sure she wrote to the best of her ability for the experience. She always has multiple writing projects going on at once to overcome writer's block (7). She is warm in her interviews and enjoys making the interviewer and audience laugh. She fizzles and clearly enjoys what she does and wants to share that with people. My guess: 7w6 or 3w2 so/sx, Ne aux/dom Overall seems like a bubbly gem.

سيرة شخصية

Diana J. Gabaldon (/ˈɡæbəldoʊn/; born January 11, 1952) is an American author, known for the Outlander series of novels. Her books merge multiple genres, featuring elements of historical fiction, romance, mystery, adventure and science fiction/fantasy. A television adaptation of the Outlan der novels premiered on Starz in 2014.

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