Von Rauheneck نوع شخصية MBTI


"ما نوع الشخصية Von Rauheneck؟ Von Rauheneck هو نوع ISTJ في mbti ، 6w5 - sp/so - في enneagram ، في Big 5 ، SLI في Socionics."

Little is known about this man, but we can discern an intensive usage of Si and Te from the way he throws them in Hans' face. Actually, being both ISTJs, they have similar thought processes, even if they may not look quite alike on the surface: the difference here is the "external manifestation" of Si. Von Rauheneck relies a lot on his accumulated experience, what he personally knows, and "measurable" data (from accounts, sources, or direct "experience"). He's constantly looking for factual evidence and making judgements based on his internal perception (see: subjective experience) of phenomena. Hans, instead, uses Si in a more "abstract" and "conceptual" fashion: he transforms his perception into something different, preferring not to take things at face value. He's constantly analysing and re-elaborating this data, constantly looking forward to new interpretations, and is annoyed by the Lieutenant Colonel's excessive focus on minutiae (and so does Konrad, an ESTJ). But yeah: they look so different, yet they share the same cognitive functions. Fun fact: if we take Socionics intertype relationships theory into account, SLI is the "supervisor" of LIE (Hans). Literally lol

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