Leona نوع شخصية MBTI


"ما نوع الشخصية Leona؟ Leona هو نوع ENFJ في mbti ، 3w2 - - في enneagram ، في Big 5 ، في Socionics."

She's clearly a Fe-Ni user in a typical way - princess who uses her voice and power to sway the people to gather together and fight the Dark Lord. Her Fe is fairly obvious; she's a healer, she helps people around her, she easily befriends Dai, Maam, Popp, and her tertiary Se is self-obvious too in her resilience and recklessness. Pretty stereotypical ENFJ if you ask me.

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مصورات الرسوم المتحركه اليابانيه أحرف مشابهة لـ Leona
