Nier: Automata Ver1.1a نوع شخصية MBTI
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Nier: Automata Ver1.1a
Note: This subcategory is for the animated adaptation of the popular video game series "NieR: Automata". Set thousands of years after the events of NieR, the story revolves around a war between humanity's remaining androids and an army of invading machines from another world. Their initial irruption drove the Earth's population to flee to the Moon. In order to reclaim the planet, humanity formed the "YoRHa" squad, a combat droid unit that would fight in a side conflict. Despite the fact that they are denied emotions and have no real names, they can be identified by their distinct attitudes. The androids are led by the "Bunker," the YoRHa automated infantry squad's headquarters in orbit above the planet, which establishes a self-sufficient resistance on Earth to push back the machines.
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