FEVL MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is FEVL? FEVL is an ESFP personality type in MBTI, 2w3 - sx/sp - 278 in Enneagram, SLUAN in Big 5, SEI in Socionics.

ESFP - 3w2/2w3 - sx/so, so/sx - sx3/sx2 - 278/379/287 - SEE/ESE/SEI - Chaotic Evil/Chaotic Neutral/Chaotic Good/Neutral Good - |S|lUaN - FEVL - Sanguine/Sanguine-Choleric/Sanguine-Melancholic/Choleric-Sanguine - ES(F)/EF(S) The percents represents the percentage of profiles of that type that is FEVL. The above vote is the typing which best represents FEVL. ESFP 25.99% ESFJ 13.04% ISFP 12.11% ESTP 9.03% ENFJ 8.07% ISFJ 6.39% ENFP 3.8% INFP 3.53% ESTJ 3.45% INFJ 2.03% ENTP 1.82% ENTJ 1.81% ISTJ 0.51% INTJ 0.47% ISTP 0.25% INTP 0.08% 3w2 21.28% 2w3 14.92% 7w8 9.48% 3w4 8.97% 7w6 8.82% 9w8 7.33% 4w3 7.03% 2w1 6.85% 6w7 5.18% 9w1 4.32% 6w5 2.48% 4w5 2.46% 8w7 1.65% 1w2 1.31% 8w9 0.6% 5w4 0.41% 1w9 0.26% 5w6 0.05% sx/so 9.57% so/sx 8.29% sx/sp 5.72% so/sp 4.33% sp/sx 3.81% sp/so 3.61% sx3 27.6% sx2 24.85% sp2 14.38% so3 12.75% so7 9.81% so2 8.95% sx9 8.46% sp7 6.87% sx7 6.73% sp9 5.71% sp3 5.26% so4 4.68% so8 4.31% sp4 4.3% sx4 4.25% sp6 3.7% so9 3.15% sx6 3.07% so6 2.81% sx8 1.72% sx5 1.49% sp1 1.02% so1 0.74% sx1 0.45% sp8 0.39% sp5 0% so5 0% 278 45.83% 379 36.17% 287 32.61% 378 22.45% 947 20.93% 396 19.35% 387 18.75% 369 18.42% 397 17.24% 271 16.67% 286 14.71% 739 14.58% 216 14.29% 317 14.29% 371 13.95% 268 13.33% 936 12.82% 937 12.82% 649 12.77% 251 12.5% 279 12.5% 361 11.36% 269 11.11% 368 10.64% 728 10.64% 972 10.64% 793 10.42% 137 10.34% 738 10% 621 9.76% 297 9.3% 261 9.09% 741 9.09% 296 8.89% 792 8.89% 721 8.57% 846 8.57% 872 8.51% 946 8.51% 784 8.33% 974 8.33% 386 8.16% 478 8.16% 479 8.16% 416 8.11% 826 8.11% 962 8% 487 7.69% 316 6.52% 794 6.52% 713 6.45% 964 6.38% 973 6.38% 729 6.25% 783 6.25% 731 5.56% 217 5% 471 5% 693 5% 258 4.76% 628 4.76% 638 4.76% 714 4.76% 782 4.55% 963 4.55% 496 4.44% 639 4.44% 497 4.35% 825 4.35% 461 4.26% 682 4.26% 459 4.17% 748 4.17% 469 4% 259 3.85% 147 3.7% 215 3.7% 285 3.7% 417 3.45% 582 3.23% 712 2.94% 827 2.86% 359 2.78% 641 2.78% 145 2.7% 529 2.7% 415 2.56% 862 2.56% 451 2.38% 945 2.33% 629 2.27% 854 2.22% 631 2.17% 358 2.13% 614 2.13% 683 2.13% 749 2.13% 927 2.13% 648 2.08% 692 2.08% 694 2.08% 162 2.04% 468 2.04% 612 2.04% 863 2.04% 163 2% 549 2% 837 2% 873 2% 926 2% 125 0% 126 0% 127 0% 135 0% 136 0% 146 0% 152 0% 153 0% 154 0% 164 0% 172 0% 173 0% 174 0% 295 0% 315 0% 351 0% 385 0% 395 0% 458 0% 485 0% 486 0% 495 0% 512 0% 513 0% 514 0% 521 0% 528 0% 531 0% 538 0% 539 0% 541 0% 548 0% 583 0% 584 0% 592 0% 593 0% 594 0% 613 0% 684 0% 835 0% 836 0% 845 0% 847 0% 852 0% 853 0% 864 0% 874 0% 925 0% 935 0% 952 0% 953 0% 954 0% SEE 18.17% ESE 14.36% SEI 13.06% EIE 8.59% EII 3.87% ESI 3.86% IEE 3.69% IEI 3.31% SLI 2.46% ILE 1.49% SLE 1.48% LIE 0.52% LSE 0.31% ILI 0.12% LSI 0.1% LII 0% Chaotic Evil 7.9% Chaotic Neutral 6.84% Chaotic Good 6.77% Neutral Good 5.79% Lawful Good 4.2% Neutral Evil 3.8% Lawful Evil 3.73% True Neutral 3.62% Lawful Neutral 2.2% S (Social) 8.97% R (Reserved) 2.56% C (Calm) 4.3% L (Limbic) 7.64% O (Organized) 3.91% U (Unstructured) 7.92% A (Accommodating) 6.95% E (Egocentric) 4.72% I (Inquisitive) 3.55% N (Non-Curious) 10.15% Sanguine [Dominant] 13.35% Sanguine-Choleric 13.2% Sanguine-Melancholic 11.34% Choleric-Sanguine 8% Sanguine-Phlegmatic 6.84% Melancholic-Sanguine 6.05% Phlegmatic-Sanguine 5.05% Melancholic-Phlegmatic 4.92% Phlegmatic [Dominant] 4.3% Phlegmatic-Melancholic 3.57% Choleric [Dominant] 2.54% Melancholic-Choleric 2.19% Phlegmatic-Choleric 1.49% Melancholic [Dominant] 1.43% Choleric-Melancholic 1.07% Choleric-Phlegmatic 0% ES(F) 24.12% EF(S) 16.15% EF(N) 6.84% IS(F) 6.16% IF(S) 5.94% EN(F) 3.37% IF(N) 3.33% IS(T) 1.77% IN(F) 1.61% EN(T) 1.51% IN(T) 1.28% ES(T) 1.08% ET(S) 0.95% ET(N) 0.23% IT(S) 0.14% IT(N) 0%


FEVL is the Attitudinal Psyche type that seems the most interested in building an environment that matches up with their penchant for enjoyment, easy relating, and avoidance of being controlled. The FEVL appears to be protecting their need to engage in what they find satisfying by resisting any sort of rush or expectation placed on them. They may come off as vibrant, festive, funny, goofy, relatable, easygoing, practical, materialistic, earthy, hedonistic, sensual, and interested in aesthetics. The FEVL seems to want control over their identity through enjoying what they want in the moment regardless of anyone else’s plans or opinions about what they should do with their life.
