Bob Block MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Bob Block? Bob Block is an ENFJ personality type in MBTI, 9w8 - - in Enneagram, in Big 5, in Socionics.

Not sure what he is, but he freaks me out. In my fan fiction, you learn why there's always pictures of cats in the background when you see him. There's only 1 vote. Gotta give another! Acts extroverted, but we only really see him with individuals. Not Fi, or he'd probably look concerned when fighting aliens. Could be a sign of Se. Fe shows a lot. "Hello boys," "How are my favorite refuse engineers?" And calling them "perveyors of intergalactic garbage," instead of calling it "trash duty" like Mr. Block would have. Not sure if it's Ti or Te that got him to say, "There were no abductions." Te because his radars said there weren't, or Ti because if his radars said there weren't, then the only logical conclusion is that there weren't. Also in suspecting that Cavendish and Dakota were just trying to find new alien activity to get a raise. Probably Ti there, don't you think? Might be a sign of less Te that he said they'd get Cavendish and Dakota back onto alien trash "in a week, tops." A Te user is likely to want to be efficient and get them back to doing contributing work asap. So I think he's an Fe-dom, which gives ENFJ or ESFJ. He acts more consoling and socially strategic, so I'd think he's more like an ENFJ, and that gives tertiary Se as well. I'm here thinking, "Could I imagine Carl shooting calmly at aliens?" (ESFJ). "Could I see Iroh shooting calmly at them?" (ENFJ). I do think I see ENFJ more there, too. Maybe Carl's a bad example. ENFJ is uncommon for a creep, but we did see it with Hans, who was way better at acting trustworthy than this guy. If I ever saw Bob, I'd hide behind something. But "we have eyes everywhere!" he has said (in one of his scariest tones of voice). So, guess I'd be caught.


In charge of P.I.G.

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