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  3. Greco-Roman

Kaos / Chaos / Arche MBTI Personality Type

Kaos / Chaos / Arche MBTI Personality Type image


What personality type is Kaos / Chaos / Arche? Kaos / Chaos / Arche is an INTP personality type in MBTI, 5w4 - sp/sx - 594 in Enneagram, in Big 5, ILI in Socionics.

Many INTPs love learning about the cosmos. The fact that the creator of the cosmos is also an INTP makes perfect sense.


A formless void that preceded the universe. Translates from Greek as emptiness, vast void, chasm, abyss. In Classical Mythology all things came into existence from Kaos. It is among the oldest of the Protogenoi, probably the oldest. It is not clear whether it is alive or not. Arche, the other term used to name this being if being it is, translates roughly as; beginning, origin, first cause/power, sovereignty, domination, ultimate underlying substance, andultimate undemonstrable principle. Thus Kaos is the Arche in Classical Mythology. Ovid described it as “a rather crude and undigested mass, a lifeless lump, unfashioned and unframed, of jarring seeds and justly named Chaos.”

Religion Figures Similar to Kaos / Chaos / Arche
