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EFVL (Pushkin) MBTI Personality Type

EFVL (Pushkin) MBTI Personality Type image


What personality type is EFVL (Pushkin)? EFVL (Pushkin) is an ISFP personality type in MBTI, 4w3 - sx/so - 468 in Enneagram, SLUEI in Big 5, ESI in Socionics.

𝐄𝐅𝐕𝐋 - 𝐀𝐥𝐞𝐤𝐬𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐫 𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐠𝐮𝐞𝐲𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐜𝐡 𝐏𝐮𝐬𝐡𝐤𝐢𝐧 • Compatible with: [SX4] • [X]: Arquetype. • (?): Questionable. Representatives of the EFVL type attract attention with their emotionality and expressiveness. They are not prone to embarrassment. The Pushkins are very indifferent to other people's opinions and behave the way they want, which is why they cause a violent reaction in society. It is difficult for people to treat them neutrally - EFVLs cause either indignation or admiration (sometimes both at the same time). Despite their apparent sensitivity, the Pushkins can be very indifferent and callous to other people’s experiences. Typically, representatives of the EFVL type are active, in good physical shape, play sports or dance, and move a lot. They love to give advice to others about their appearance and lifestyle. At the same time, they may show causticity and intolerance towards people who, in their opinion, do not take care of themselves or dress tastelessly. In general, they have a difficult character and are prone to conflicts. Pushkins are quite touchy when their pride is hurt, especially in company. But at the same time, they are not vindictive and quickly cool down - due to their susceptibility to mood. Their feelings are bright, quickly flare up and go out. Pushkins are ambitious and active, they are capable of much when they are fired up with some goal. A significant role in this is played by their desire to demonstrate their successes to other people, to prove what they are capable of. These people have difficulty with intellectual activity. Mental tension requires some effort on their part and does not bring pleasure, so they do not strive to explain their conclusions unless no one persistently demands it. They believe that an intelligent person should be a man of few words and be able to succinctly express his thoughts. They are drawn to such people, considering them the most adequate and have unaccountable trust in them. They do not like discussions, they need reliable knowledge that can have practical application, and they prefer to receive and assimilate it alone. To summarize, Pushkin is a bright, active, quick-tempered, stubborn person who does not like unnecessary chatter and in his judgments is guided by his own logic, which is not always understandable from the outside. • Fictional example: Deidara (Naruto Shippuden) • Source: https://bestsocionics.com/psychosophy/EFVL/ • SoL Descriptions: https://mega.nz/folder/T0YRFKpI#e94wQJlF8mIv101LtN7XCQ


Representatives of the EFVL type attract attention with their emotionality and expressiveness. They don't tend to be embarrassed. Pushkins are very indifferent to other people's opinions and behave as they want, which is why they cause a violent reaction in society. It is difficult for people to treat them neutrally - EFVL cause either indignation or admiration (sometimes both at the same time). Despite seeming sensitivity, the Pushkins are very indifferent and callous to other people's experiences. EFVL Descriptions: https://psychosophy.ru/books/sintaksislubvi/sintaksislubvi157.html https://bestsocionics.com/psychosophy/efvl/ Functions: First Emotion https://psychosophy.ru/books/sintaksislubvi/sintaksislubvi14.html Second Physics https://psychosophy.ru/books/sintaksislubvi/sintaksislubvi43.html Third Will https://psychosophy.ru/books/sintaksislubvi/sintaksislubvi78.html Fourth Logic https://psychosophy.ru/books/sintaksislubvi/sintaksislubvi35.html
