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Il Fado De Rie MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Il Fado De Rie? Il Fado De Rie is an INTP personality type in MBTI, 9w1 - sp/sx - in Enneagram, RCUAI in Big 5, ILI in Socionics.

Il is probably one of the cutest LIs I’ve ever seen. Anyway, huge spoiler for his route. First thing, il’s route has one of the best character developments for both him and the side characters in his route. For pretty much being a “puppet” to God for thousands of years, it’s evident that throughout the game that he lacks any emotional intelligence. He doesn’t rely on how he feels, because he’s so accustomed of a program (aka “God”) to tell him how he should act. Therefore, his main dom makes sense to be Ti. He does things on what makes sense to him. He gathers information and memorize them well point blank. More so, when he applies the original “il” personality to himself, some of the things that happen with Kotone and everyone else won’t make sense to him because they’re events that has never happened in the otome game. He’s at lost when things are unpredictable or new, because he didn’t learn about it. Fi is pretty much nonexistent because he based off his whole personality on the true “il”, in one of the scenes I remember him wondering “what would the character ‘il’ do in this situation?” I love how his Ne was used in his route too. The whole reason why he decided to snap out of being a puppet was his whole curiosity of what love is. TiNe’s curiosity is what makes them become so knowledgeable when they really put their effort into learning a certain topic. I don’t think I have to really explain why he has inferior Fe.


A lover of otome games, the Fallen Angel from the heavenly world, Caelm. Refined and elegant. He might seem like his head is always in the clouds, but behind this klutzy appearance, he is quite the intellectual. Due to those personality traits of his, Il has a tendency to inadvertently cause trouble for the others, and often needs to be babysat. For this reason, he usually shuts himself in his room, devoting his life to playing otome games. As expected, he has the heavenly voice of an angel.

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