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  2. Movies
  3. Star Wars: Lightsabers

Yellow Lightsaber MBTI Personality Type


What personality type is Yellow Lightsaber? Yellow Lightsaber is an INTP personality type in MBTI, - - in Enneagram, in Big 5, LII in Socionics.


The yellow lightsaber, a Jedi with a yellow lightsaber is most commonly associated with the Jedi Sentinel (but not exclusively). The Sentinels form one of the three “schools” of the Jedi Order, constituting a sort of middle way between the Consulars and the Guardians. While Consulars emphasized the power of diplomacy and the Guardians developed the incomparable fighting ability, Sentinels tried to combine the best of both worlds. People speculate that the yellow lightsaber symbolises; balance, practicality, a certain level of independence from the mainstream of Jedi life, the power of the sun, hope, and goodness.

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