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Sirus, Awakener of Worlds MBTI Personality Type

Sirus, Awakener of Worlds MBTI Personality Type image


What personality type is Sirus, Awakener of Worlds? Sirus, Awakener of Worlds is an INFP personality type in MBTI, 6w5 - - in Enneagram, in Big 5, in Socionics.

Tbh I am not completely sure between INFP and INFJ in his case, but I put it anyway in hope of some contributions. And if i am wrong after all, I will change my vote. For now I tend more to INFP. As for the reasons, in his 1st journal he writes: "I always wanted a purpose. I wanted to find my place in life.", which is typical INFP and shows Fi. "I don't want to be in charge of these people, because I don't believe we will survive this," This again is so much Ni. He senses what will expect them. Then again it could be enneagram 6 aswell?But maybe he is 9? I am new to enneagram, so these are more or less wild guesses. However, "and it will be my fault." is self-centered, thus Fi, again. It maybe could be Fe aswell tho, depending on the perspective of that statement. In the 2nd journal: "I wanted a purpose... well, now I have one." a very sarcastic statement. Sarcasm is more an INFP thing. 3rd journal: "To have spent so long pursuing wealth and notoriety... Gods, if only I could wind back the clock. Without meaning, without purpose beyond my own selfishness... So much time wasted." looks to me like first signs of his Fi-Si-loop. 4th journal: "They left me. In my moment of need, they left me." Him being left behind is his primary thought. Not that his sacrifice had a purpose nor that they defeated the elder nor the question if the others are safe. Fi again. And when Sirus is finally free and gone completely mad, he just seeks to destroy Oriath out of his emotions he held in for so long. Like very "Phantom of the Opera"-like, Fi-Si-loop, completely gone mad INFP.


„Sirus was the leader of the Elderslayers, and according to the game lore, disappeared along with The Elder after defeating him, much to the dismay of Zana, who grew attached to him during their time together. Once a hero, Sirus turned mad after defeating the Elder and then destroyed Oriath, forcing the player to eventually fight and defeat him.“ (PoE fandom Wiki)

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